Version: 2.0.0-alpha.9

(PRO) Isometric 1

In this tutorial, we will use this tileset by @KenneyNL to create very basic isometric levels. Be sure to check their work out if you like the tileset.

Example result


This example is only a very simple showcase of generating isometric levels.

It includes:

  • Basic isometric room templates
  • Custom tilemap layers structure
  • Custom room template initializer

It does not include:

  • Any characters to move around with
  • Colliders

Tilemap layers#

The Grid is set to Isometric and we use the following structure of tilemaps:

  • Level 0 - Floor
  • Level 0 - Walls
  • Level 0.5 - Floor
  • Level 0.5 - Walls
  • Level 1 - Floor
  • Level 1 - Walls
  • Colliders

For each elevation level we have 2 tilemap layers - one for floor tile and one for wall (and decoration) tiles. Between the levels 0 and 1 there is a half-level because stairs in the tileset are halfway between 0 and 1. And there is also one additional layer for colliders which is not used in this example but can be utilized to place collider tiles.

Room template prefabs can be created via Create -> Edgar -> Examples -> Isometric 1 -> Room template.

Room templates#

Below you can see some of the basic room templates:

Basic room
Basic room
Basic room
Basic room


Below you can see some of the corridors: (there are also longer versions)

Short corridor
Short corridor

Level graph#

Level graph


Example result
Example result